Sunday, May 14, 2006

Would you like to stay for lunch? We're having links!

I should really give up on making any of these links from the past couple weeks into longer posts... and so I'm going to.

Here you go:

The winner of Science Magazine's 2005 Visualization Challenge in illustration was Graham Johnson, for this representation of a synapse:

(via Neurofuture)

While we're on the art topic, here's an online transhumanist gallery of nanotech-themed art, also courtesy Neurofuture.

Brainethics on the generalist genes hypothesis.

A few weeks ago, OUP published 23 Problems in Systems Neuroscience (link to Nature review) which sounds pretty nifty. Not available in the US yet, but it can be purchased from BritLand if you're looking to get your favorite Neuro-Blogger a birthday present.

ScienceDaily: Watching The Brain Switch Off 'Self'

Has the Society for Neuroscience abandoned NOLA? The Neurocritic argues "yes."

Video of Nick Bostrom on cognitive enhancement, courtesy the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.

I found the following entries from the Time 100 particularly interesting:
Richard Davidson by Andrew Weil, MD
Jim Hansen by Al Gore
Steven Levitt by Malcolm Gladwell

Alex Palazzo totally beat me to the rant I've always wanted to make about journals. But, if you give me a half an hour, I'm sure I can come up with plenty to add to the list...

Columbia News: videos from Art and the New Biology of Mind (via Neurofuture)

Reuters: FDA OKs Pfizer Anti-Smoking Pill

Nature's Nascent helped publicize the launch of the Neuroscience Gateway, a collaboration with the people who brought us the Allen Brain Atlas. Which seems pretty neat. Plus? All available for free. So tell me... Why was this posted in Nascent and not Action Potential, the blog of Nature Neuroscience?

PZ linked to a funny comic that makes fun of deranged people... yeah, yeah, I'm shocked too.

I really wish I'd noted who linked to this... because it's awesome. It's a year old, but it's Popular Mechanics taking on the top 16 conspiracy theories about 11 Sept. 2001.

Robot Cockroaches. Need I say more?

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