Sunday, May 14, 2006

They Walk... er, Perch Among Us

So really, my main question is, is the first female robot? I only ask because there have been a few gendered robots before now, but this is the first female I've seen, and it seems like something worth tracking in terms of keeping an eye on public perception of these things. Oh, I'm sorry, what am I talking about?

Korea has developed its own android capable of facial expressions on its humanoid face...

...the android, which has the face and body of a woman in her 20s, is 160 cm tall and weighs 50 kg. Ever-1 can move its upper body and “express” happiness, anger, sadness and pleasure. But the robot is still incapable of moving its lower half. Ever-1's skin is made from a silicon jelly that feels similar to human skin. The face is a composite of two stars, and its torso on a singer.

The 15 monitors in the robotic face allow it to interpret the face of an interlocutor and look back at whoever stands near it. Ever-1 also recognizes 400 words and can hold a basic verbal exchange.

Also? One or two of the articles I saw gave the name as "EveR-1." Which had me instantly converting from Korean to American to get "R-1 Eve." Somebody's been reading Isaac Asimov, I suspect.


At 14 May, 2006 23:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it still looks like she bought a second-story condo in the uncanny valley.


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