The Neurophile
Adventures in Neuroscience could never be more exciting. Well, maybe a little.
Friday, March 09, 2007
About Me
- Name: The Neurophile
- Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
As a Junior Scientist, the Neurophile spends his days sunning in his window seat at a haptics lab at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Clenched in his left fist, he wields a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Macalester College. In his right, he bears a Bachelor of Sciences in Neuroscience from the U of M. Combined, they form Voltron! Or something less copyright-infringing! Soon, he shall be unleashed upon the grad schools of the world in a blitzkrieg of education.
The Neurophile is a big fan of sudoku, Hong Kong movies, alcohol, and the W/NBA, pretty much in that order. As a member of the Secret Society of Metalheads, his was the deciding vote in the decision to forever excommunicate Lars Ulrich from their ranks. He is also a fourth degree member of the Fraternal Order of Atheist Evolutionists, but hopes to progress further in their ranks quickly.
In his civilian life, the Neurophile is known as Jonathan Ehrich.
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Previous Posts
- Roger Ebert on El Topo
- I'm working with people who are sane!
- Tonight's Reading Made Me Laugh
- All Kinds of Neato
- This Title Sucks
- First day of class
- I don't know, man, I didn't do it!
- Things I have that make me happy
- Today's Epiphany
- Google Search Terms Q & A